Toxxic Rocks - Classic Rock & High School Hits

We have added Classic Rock bangers and High School Hit tracks to our playlist, they will play roughly every 10(ish) songs, it's random, so, one minute, you'll hear a classic rock banger, next minute, you'll hear a song, that'll take you back to your high school days!

Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper coming back to FM Radio

UPDATE: Click the button below, to see what stations Alice's Attic is playing on.

Alice Cooper is coming back to FM radio on Feb 5th

Update: He is coming to SuperRadio, as online download only... Thought they said FM radio. Hmm... We'll keep you updated!

5 Hours Monday-Friday and Weekends (Sat/Sun)

Toxxic Radio requests are OPEN.

Get your song played, on the best god damn station, on the internet!